
Physiotherapy is a widely recognised medical profession which requires specialist training. We are movement specialists and our aim is to get you moving again to overcome your injury or problem. At Warrawong Physiotherapy we will work with you in solving the problem, not just treating the symptoms. All of our Read more…


Hydrotherapy or aquatherapy or aquatic therapy? They are all the action of exercise in warm water. It differs from swimming in that it involves specific exercises that you perform in the pool, under the supervision of your physiotherapist. Your physio will prescribe those exercises for you dependent on your condition, Read more…

Remedial Massage

Massage is one of the most recommended and sought-after therapies when it comes to maintaining our health and wellbeing. We offer a range of massage techniques to suit your individual requirements. Remedial massage uses specific hands-on techniques to stretch and lengthen connective tissue, reduce pain and discomfort, improve flexibility and Read more…

Shockwave Therapy

Extracorporeal shockwave therapy or simply shockwave therapy can be a useful physiotherapy treatment for chronic soft tissue pathologies and injuries. The treatment is non-invasive and involves sending shockwaves into chronic inflamed tissue to reduce pain and improve function. This has been found to be particularly useful in treating conditions which Read more…

Dry Needling

Dry needling is a therapy that has developed from Acupuncture and involves the insertion of a very fine needle into the skin and muscle. There are many different techniques which may involve activating trigger points in muscle, mobilising fascia or reducing tension in structures. Dry needling may sound painful, but Read more…

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